
forest.benchmarking.qubit_spectroscopy.do_t1_or_t2(qc: pyquil.api._quantum_computer.QuantumComputer, qubits: Sequence[int], times: Sequence[float], kind: str, num_shots: int = 500, show_progress_bar: bool = False) → Tuple[Dict[int, float], List[forest.benchmarking.observable_estimation.ObservablesExperiment], List[List[forest.benchmarking.observable_estimation.ExperimentResult]]]

A wrapper around experiment generation, data acquisition, and estimation that runs a t1, t2 echo, or t2* experiment on each qubit in qubits and returns the rb_decay along with the experiments and results.

  • qc – a quantum computer on which to run the experiments
  • qubits – list of qubits to measure.
  • times – The times at which to measure, given in seconds. Each time is rounded to the nearest .1 microseconds.
  • kind – which kind of experiment to do, one of ‘t1’, ‘t2_star’, or ‘t2_echo’
  • num_shots – the number of shots to collect for each experiment.
  • show_progress_bar – displays a progress bar via tqdm if true.