Estimate parameters from Fits

General Functions

fit_result_to_json(fit_result) Convert a fit result to a JSON-serializable dictionary.
plot_figure_for_fit(fit_result, xlabel, …) Plots fit and residuals from lmfit with residuals below fit.


base_param_decay(x, amplitude, decay, baseline) Model an exponential decay parameterized by a base parameter raised to the power of the independent variable x.
fit_base_param_decay(x, y, weights, …) Fit experimental data x, y to an exponential decay parameterized by a base decay parameter.
decay_time_param_decay(x, amplitude, …) Model an exponential decay parameterized by a decay constant with constant e as the base.
fit_decay_time_param_decay(x, y, weights, …) Fit experimental data x, y to an exponential decay parameterized by a decay time, or inverse decay rate.
decaying_cosine(x, amplitude, decay_time, …) Calculate exponentially decaying sinusoid at a series of points.
fit_decaying_cosine(x, y, weights, …) Fit experimental data x, y to an exponentially decaying sinusoid.
shifted_cosine(x, amplitude, offset, …) Model for a cosine shifted vertically by the amount baseline.
fit_shifted_cosine(x, y, weights, …) Fit experimental data x, y to a cosine shifted vertically by amount baseline.