
forest.benchmarking.qubit_spectroscopy.acquire_qubit_spectroscopy_data(qc: pyquil.api._quantum_computer.QuantumComputer, experiments: Sequence[forest.benchmarking.observable_estimation.ObservablesExperiment], num_shots: int = 500, show_progress_bar: bool = False) → List[List[forest.benchmarking.observable_estimation.ExperimentResult]]

A standard data acquisition method for all experiments in this module.

Each input ObservablesExperiment is simply run in series, and a list of results are returned for each experiment in the corresponding order.

  • qc – a quantum computer on which to run the experiments
  • experiments – the ObservablesExperiments to run on the given qc
  • num_shots – the number of shots to collect for each experiment.
  • show_progress_bar – displays a progress bar via tqdm if true.

a list of ExperimentResults for each ObservablesExperiment, returned in order of the input sequence of experiments.