Classical Logic

This module allows us to use a “simple” reversible binary adder to benchmark a quantum computer. The code is contained in the module classical_logic.

The benchmark is simplistic and not very rigorous as it does not test any specific feature of the hardware. Further the whole circuit is classical in the sense that we start and end in computational basis states and all gates simply perform classical not, controlled not (CNOT), or doubly controlled not (CCNOT aka a Toffoli gate). Finally, even for the modest task of adding two one bit numbers, the CZ gate (our fundamental two qubit gate) count is very high for the circuit. This in turn implies a low probability of the entire circuit working.

Circuit Primitives

CNOT_X_basis(control, target) The CNOT in the X basis, i.e.
CCNOT_X_basis(control1, control2, target) The CCNOT (Toffoli) in the X basis, i.e.
majority_gate(a, b, c, in_x_basis) The majority gate.
unmajority_add_gate(a, b, c, in_x_basis) The UnMajority and Add gate, or UMA for short.
unmajority_add_parallel_gate(a, b, c, in_x_basis) An alternative form of the UnMajority and Add gate, or UMA for short.

Ripple Carry adder

assign_registers_to_line_or_cycle(start, …) From the start node assign registers as they are laid out in the ideal circuit diagram in [CDKM96].
get_qubit_registers_for_adder(qc, …) Searches for a layout among the given qubits for the two n-bit registers and two additional ancilla that matches the simple layout given in figure 4 of [CDKM96].
adder(num_a, num_b, register_a, register_b, …) Produces a program implementing reversible adding on a quantum computer to compute a + b.
get_n_bit_adder_results(qc, n_bits, …) Convenient wrapper for collecting the results of addition for every possible pair of n_bits long summands.
get_success_probabilities_from_results(results) Get the probability of a successful addition for each possible pair of two n_bit summands from the results output by get_n_bit_adder_results
get_error_hamming_distributions_from_results(results) Get the distribution of the hamming weight of the error vector (number of bits flipped between output and expected answer) for each possible pair of two n_bit summands using results output by get_n_bit_adder_results