
forest.benchmarking.randomized_benchmarking.interleaved_gate_fidelity_bounds(irb_decay, rb_decay, dim, unitarity=None)

Use observed rb_decay to place a bound on fidelity of a particular gate with given interleaved rb decay. Optionally, use unitarity measurement result to provide improved bounds on the interleaved gate’s fidelity.

Bounds are due to [IRB]. Improved bounds using unitarity are due to [U+IRB]

[U+IRB]Efficiently characterizing the total error in quantum circuits. Dugas et al. arXiv:1610.05296 (2016).
  • irb_decay – Observed decay parameter in irb experiment with desired gate interleaved between Cliffords
  • rb_decay – Observed decay parameter in standard rb experiment
  • dim – Dimension of the Hilbert space, 2**num_qubits
  • unitarity – Observed decay parameter in unitarity experiment; improves bounds if provided.

The pair of lower and upper bounds on the fidelity of the interleaved gate.